SESP in the Media: July 2022
An ongoing, monthly roundup of appearances in the media by School of Education and Social Policy faculty, researchers, and our community:
Contagion Live
July 19, 2022Report: COVID-19 Had Dramatic Effect on Life Expectancies of Poor and Minorities (quotes Hannes Schwandt)
Voice of America
July 15, 2022Estudio revela que pandemia redujo expectativa de vida (interview with Hannes Schwandt in Spanish)
July 13, 2022Chicago food bank supplies free lunches for children during the summer (quotes Diane Schanzenbach)
July 8, 2022Income, Life Expectancy Links Stronger in California Since COVID: Study (quotes Hannes Schwandt)
Psychology Today
July 6, 2022Why Storytelling Is a Pillar of a Meaningful Life (quotes Dan McAdams)
Toledo Blade
July 3, 2022News analysis: Trump's mindset crucial to criminal probe (quotes Dan McAdams)
National Public Radio
June 17, 2022
The end of pandemic relief measures upends progress in reducing child poverty (quotes Diane Schanzenbach)