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Accepted Student On-Boarding

Congratulations on your acceptance to the MSEd Program! The materials below will provide useful information as you decide whether or not to attend the program. Please also be sure to reach out to your advisor! Talking to your advisor gives you a chance to ask any questions you might have as you are making your decision whether or not to attend, so please do not feel like you have to wait until you've already made a decision before reaching out! We want to make sure you have as much information as possible, so that you can make whatever is the right decision for you!

Checklist for New Students and other General Materials 

 The checklist for new students will break down the various things you will need to do as you consider whether or not to attend. Setting up your NetID and creating a email account are particularly important, even as you are still considering your options. The NetID will allow you to access Northwestern systems, and any communication from Northwestern's central systems will go to your email.

Forms to complete and return to the MSEd Program office if you decide to attend

  • Confirmation of Intention to Register and Photo Release Form.pdf -- This may be sent to or to the MSEd Program office at 618 Garrett Place. 
  • $200 non-refundable tuition deposit -- This may either be paid by check using the tuition deposit form in your admissions packet, or by credit card directly through CAESAR.
    • If you pay by check: The check should be made out to Northwestern University, and should be sent directly to the MSEd Program office at 618 Garrett Place, Evanston IL 60208. Be sure to include your 7-digit student id number in the "memo" line of the check. Please include all pages of the multi-page tuition deposit form -- do not separate the pages or remove the pieces on the sides that hold everything together.
    • If you pay by credit card: Refer to the image below to see where in CAESAR to enter the payment:


Please see the billing information for new students from Student Financial Services. This includes important billing dates for your first term in the MSEd Program, as well as information for how to set up your account and pay your tuition bills. It is important to note that all tuition bills will be sent to your email address, so be sure to check that email address!

New student orientation

We are so excited for you to join the Master of Science in Education & Social Policy Program community!

The New Student Orientation for 2025-26 will be on Northwestern's Evanston campus on the following dates:

  • Thursday, September 11, 2025 (afternoon and evening).
  • Friday, September 12, 2025 (all day).

Details will be shared as they become available.