SESP in the Media: February 2022
An ongoing, monthly roundup of appearances in the news media by School of Education and Social Policy faculty, researchers, and our community:
The Evanston RoundTable
Feb. 20, 2022
Dawes School’s fifth graders burn calories in computer science class (quotes Marcelo Worsley)
The Hill
Feb. 16, 2022
Adults who ignored traditional gender norms as children earn less money than those who did not: study (cites research by Ofer Malamud)
Morning Call
Feb. 12, 2022Youngsters who get sick from COVID are also missing out on school lunches in Pennsylvania, elsewhere (quotes Diane Schanzenbach)
Harvard Kennedy School
Feb. 10, 2022
Bipartisan working group calls for rebalancing the budget to invest more in America’s children (quotes Diane Schanzenbach)
Feb. 5, 2022
The US desperately needs skilled workers. But the community colleges that train them are woefully underfunded. (quotes Diane Schanzenbach)
Feb. 3, 2022We struggle to measure quality child care — and even more to fund it (quotes Terri Sabol)
Feb. 1, 2022
‘Headstrong’ women and ‘dependent’ men may get paid less, research finds (quotes Ofer Malamud)