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Envisioning Education With Tim Dohrer

November 18, 2020

Remote teaching will become a standard tool for educators –a bittersweet end to beloved “Snow Days,” Northwestern University’s Tim Dohrer said during an episode of the Northwestern Alumni Association podcast Northwestern Intersections.

“We no longer can only assume that our educators are going to be teaching in physical spaces,” said Dohrer (WCAS95), director of teacher leadership for the Master of Science in Education Program and assistant professor at the School of Education and Social Policy. “They now have to learn how to teach remotely and in-person, which will double the amount of work in teacher education.”

Listen to "Creativity, Flexibility, and Self-Care in Teaching with Tim Dohrer ’95 MA" on Spreaker.

During the interview with host Helen Kim, Dohrer discussed how remote teaching and learning differs during a crisis when students and families may be experiencing trauma. He highlighted several key traits teachers will need to cope with the current COVID-10 pandemic, including resourceful flexibility and self care.

He also expects that students attending schools of the future will follow non-traditional school calendars and spend less time in a physical classroom.  “Seat time is going to go out the window, because we're showing that we can have kids out learning during different times and parts of the day,” he said.

"Teaching, at its core, is about creativity, resourcefulness, and flexibility,” something we need now more than ever, he added. “It's really what it means to be a teacher.”

Other SESP alumni and faculty featured on the podcast include: